List of all scope out objectives in the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online

All Scope Out Objectives for the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online

One of the most talked-about heists in Grand Theft Auto Online is the Diamond Casino Heist, and for good reason. A person must be as stealthy as possible while exercising great consideration and unrelenting diligence in order to complete the objective. Having said that, it is impossible to pull off a massive theft of this kind without knowing what you are getting into.

On the GTA map, the Diamond Casino Resort and Casino is a well-known location that is constantly packed with visitors looking to disappear into happiness. Lester would advise the player to first identify the primary entry points and locations of interest within the casino before proceeding, as it is not as simple to loot a place in broad daylight.

This page lists all the access points and places of interest that players should visit and take pictures of for Lester, along with instructions on how to begin the GTA Online Casino Heist scoping out assignment.

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List of all scope out objectives in the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA Online

Image via play3.d

To start the Casino Heist Scope Out mission in GTA Online, players will need to bring up their planned board in the Arcade Basement and select the square that says “Scope Out Casino.” This will allow the player to go to the Diamond Resort and Casino and take photographs of major scope out objectives for Lester.

GTA Online features 11 access points in total. Seven of them can be found on the roof of the casino, two on the ground floor, and two located at a distance.

The following is a list of all the Scope Out Objectives that the player should look for when doing this mission in GTA Online:

  • Roof Access 1 – accessible via the elevator
  • Roof Access 2 – right next to the Roof Access point 2
  • Roof Access 3 – spotted on the other side of the Helipad
  • Roof Access 4 – on the roof garden
  • Roof Access 5 – on the right side of the elevator
  • Roof Access 6 – down the Helipad.
  • Roof Access 7 – right next to Roof Access 6
  • Ground Level 1 – located near the horse track
  • Ground Level 2 – down the same line as Ground Level 1
  • Tunnel Access – the garage door
  • Sewer Access – inside the tunnel on the south side of the canal

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